Saturday, July 27, 2024

People in Portugal: share your memories of the Carnation Revolution

Must read

After years of fighting colonial wars in Africa, on 25 April 1974 a coup by the Movimento das Forças Armadas (Armed Forces Movement) in Portugal marked the end to Europe’s longest-lasting dictatorship.

The country moved towards democracy in what was an almost bloodless transition, with the Carnation Revolution getting its name from flowers being offered to soldiers and placed in the muzzles of their guns.

Following last month’s elections the far-right party, Chega, made huge gains quadrupling its parliamentarians from 12 to 48. “It was one of those great ironies of history. Just short of 50 days before the 50th anniversary of the Portuguese revolution, which toppled an almost 50-year dictatorship, the nation woke up to nearly 50 newly elected far-right lawmakers in parliament,” said Joana Ramiro.

We would like to hear your memories of the Carnation Revolution ahead of its 50th anniversary. What was it like and how has it affected you? Are you commemorating it in any way? We’re also interested in hearing people’s experiences of Portugal today.

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